Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Category: Gaming News


The video above doesn't do the game justice! Click here to view the full experience!

When Nintendo isn't busy sending it's calvalcade of polite Japanese businessmen to your home, hocking Wii consoles door-to-door, the big N spends it's time making quirky  commercials and Youtube promo spots (and video games, I guess).. The best one I've come across is for a game that has been on store shelves for a little over a week and stars Mario's gruff, greedy, and gluttonous nemesis: Wario. The big treasure-hunting lummox would like you to view his crazy, off-the-wall Youtube video -- in which he demonstrates his repertoire of abilities while the world, and the actual Youtube page, shatters under his might. So if you've got a bit of time, catch it (The video is embedded above, but it begs to be seen in full, so click here to view it), and perhaps you'll find your very own treasure. Okay, that was a bold-faced lie, there is no treasure, but it's still worth a couple minutes of your time.


Category: Gaming News

Wii owners can rejoice as another fighting game is (finally) slated to hit the console.


 Read more for the full update.



Category: Gaming News

With the game releasing about 2 weeks ago in Japan, Ignition Entertainment has announced today with a press release that they will be bringing Blue Dragon Plus for the DS to the United States.


Currently slated for a late Feburary to March 2009 release in North America and Europe.


Read more for screenshots and the full press release.


Category: Gaming News

In an overwhelming short amount of time, we were barraged with comments from readers regarding the validity of the press release made by NIS America.

We sent them an e-mail in regards to your concerns and recieved the following reply. We hope this clears up any confusion from the previous press release.

Category: Gaming News

 Received the press release yesterday, NIS America will be bringing the hit sim-RPG Artonelico 2 to the US this December for the Playstation 2.


Full press release and pictures inside.

 (Update 1 & 2 removed by editor)


UPDATE 3: Please see NIS America's response and clarifications here