Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Category: Gaming News
blazblueDo you want to play Blaz Blue: Calamity Trigger ? It's a brand new high def fighter from the awesome dudes who brought you the Guilty Gear series -- But you knew all that. Ark System Works and Arksys Games (of the "awesome dudes" I mentioned earlier) will be conducting the American location test for the BlazBlue arcade machines at this years AX. It'll be available in the console gaming room all weekend, from July 3rd to July 6th, plenty of time to crowd around the machine and await your turn, just mere inches away from the sweaty guys and gals on the Para Para Paradise machines.
Full press release at the AX website
Category: Gaming News

hare hare yukaiFor everyone who never got the chance to spasm out of control to the beat of "Hare Hare Yukai", here's your chance...sort of. The third game of a trio based on the hit anime will be released on the Wii, and it's a dancing game in which you time your wiimote with Haruhi and company. A few details can be glanced from two scans from Canned Dogs : There will be a story mode and a free mode in which costumes, levels, and music can be interchanged to your liking. Dreams of dancing with the entire cast of Haruhi characters may be out of reach - the dancing will be limited to three characters at one time. For the particular collector of plastic Haruhi hummels, there will be a version of the game packed with a figure.

Source: Haruhi Wii dance game at Sankaku Complex  


Category: Gaming News

The debate for actual girl gamers have raged on in recent years, especially with the rise of portable gaming like the Nintendo DS, and online juggernauts like World of Warcraft. Apparently in a recent study conducted by the Entertainment Software Association,  38% of all gamers are female predominantly playing the DS, The Sims, or MMOs. Girls average 7.5 hours every week playing games.

Interesting, no?  

Source: dbtechno 

Category: Gaming News


From 10am PST February 23rd to 10am PST February 25th, Mabinogi servers will be open to public for stability testing. Characters created during this time will be deleted when open beta test starts on March 1, 2008.

Category: Gaming News

   ImageMabinogi: Heroes will be another Korean MMO releasing soon in Spring 2008; however, this will be an action MMO running Value's famed Half-life Source engine!
From what we have seen so far, the game looks incredible as it appears to resemble an action hack and slash console game than a PC MMO. Environments are fully interactive, objects are destructible and can be picked up.

We were able to locate the high resolution trailer video. Right click the link and save as.
Mabinogi: Heroes Trailer 720p (1280x720)