Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Category: Gaming News

Fans were eagerly awaiting the Blu-ray edition of Final Fantasy VII Advent Children almost 3 years ago, but was told that Square was doing some touch up work on some the scenes. Later it was mentioned that a few scenes would be redone from different angles including a few graphical enchancements. Now, with the Japanese Blu-ray release nearing, a new trailer has been released with a ton of new scenes. Full trailer inside.

Category: Gaming News

Capcom released 2 new artwork of Cammy and 4 new screenshots of her in action.

Click read more for the pictures.


Category: Gaming News

Many of you sent us questions and concerns in regards to the localization of Ar tonelico II and we have directed them to NIS America's Marketing Coordinator, Nao Zook at the Prinny Event.


Category: Gaming News

Probably the game that piqued my interest the most, A Witch's Tale for the Nintendo DS was announced at NIS America's last press event, and was orginally set to be released in October 2008; however, the game was quietly hushed away. The game is suppose to be an action orientated game with controls probably most similar to that of The World Ends With You where players perform different attacks by using the stylus. Spells are casted by tracing rune systems on the screen.

At the Prinny Event, we were told that the delay was due to major change overhauls that are being done on the game with the artwork remaining the same. What exactly these overhauls are, we can only speculate. NIS promises that the game will definitely be released; however, no set date is currently announced.

Category: Gaming News

While at NIS America's Prinny Event, we asked them about the possibility of localizing the joint developed PS3 game Cross Edge by Capcom, Bandai Namco, NIS, Idea Factory, and Gust. The problem here is that the game has numerous intellectual properties owned by different companies, and licensing it in the United States by any one company could prove difficult.

After much poking and prodding, "Lets just say we will have some good news for the fans from us." is the response we got.