Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Category: Gaming News
With the PSPgo just released, Nippon Ichi Software (NIS) is releasing some of their PSP games onto the Playstation Network at a discounted price. In celebration of this, NIS America will be having a 50% off sale for the following games; Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?; Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light, Mana Khemia: Student Alliance, Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness; Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! What Did I Do to Deserve This? and Dragoneer's Aria in the Playstation Store. These titles will range from $4.99 to $9.99 for one week only. Hopefully in the future, we will see other NIS titles come to the Playstation Store.
Category: Gaming News

Although shown for the first time ever at Tokyo Game Show 2009, both Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes and Ghost Trick will be coming to America in 2010. Fans will no longer need to wonder about about whether or not these two upcoming titles will be coming shoreside, unlike what happens with most games. Hopefully, this is a trend that will continue in the future. Hit the jump for the full press release.

Category: Gaming News

We've introduced Muramasa The Demonblade briefly in the past when publisher XSEED relinquished the license rights to the game to Ignition Entertainment (I am sure XSEED staff members are kicking themselves). Having played Muramasa for the Wii when it was initially released in Japan, we had considered visiting Vanillaware several times in the past for an article, though nothing to the extent of Play Magazine's 18 page feature. Probably the first jaw dropper is the cover of the September issue featuring one of the game's playable characters, Momohime gorgeously painted battling one of the game's secret boss. The image is a bit risque and definitely can't be missed at newsstands (we have included a detexed scan inside). Play also included a 13 page interview with Director George Kamitani and Lead Designer Yoshio Nishimura. If you are a true fan of the game, I would highly recommend picking it up.

Look forward to our review coming soon!

Category: Gaming News
A quick gaming update for the Nippon Ichi fans, Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy for the Playstation 2, and Phantom Brave: We Meet Again for the Wii have both been released in the United States while the Playstation Portable port Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days will be released on September 8. We'll have reviews for all 3 games up soon, so stay tuned.
Category: Gaming News

Record of Agarest War, a strategy RPG from Idea Factory, Red Entertainment, and Compile Heart, will be coming stateside soon according to Aksys Games' teaser site here. The site only has a teaser image for fans at the moment. Already released in Japan and confirmed for release in Europe, Record of Aagarest War seems to be coming to the US a little late. The game features a battle system like Cross Edge, where players will use AP to attack and must gain SP to use special attacks. The game also features a "Soul Breed" system, where players can engage in romantic relationships with other characters to create new characters. This process can also be repeated. We'll update this with more information as it trickles through.