Saturday, March 29, 2025

We've introduced Muramasa The Demonblade briefly in the past when publisher XSEED relinquished the license rights to the game to Ignition Entertainment (I am sure XSEED staff members are kicking themselves). Having played Muramasa for the Wii when it was initially released in Japan, we had considered visiting Vanillaware several times in the past for an article, though nothing to the extent of Play Magazine's 18 page feature. Probably the first jaw dropper is the cover of the September issue featuring one of the game's playable characters, Momohime gorgeously painted battling one of the game's secret boss. The image is a bit risque and definitely can't be missed at newsstands (we have included a detexed scan inside). Play also included a 13 page interview with Director George Kamitani and Lead Designer Yoshio Nishimura. If you are a true fan of the game, I would highly recommend picking it up.

Look forward to our review coming soon!

(Illustrated by George Kamitani for Play Magazine September 2009 issue.  Please note, the image was found online and is not hosted on our servers)