Saturday, March 29, 2025

In an overwhelming short amount of time, we were barraged with comments from readers regarding the validity of the press release made by NIS America.

We sent them an e-mail in regards to your concerns and recieved the following reply. We hope this clears up any confusion from the previous press release.

Nao Zook

NIS America Public Relations Marketing Coordinator

Did NIS America play Ar tonelico 2 prior to the press release?

Zook: Just wanted to let you know that we never make a press release without playing the game. so, hopefully this kind of confusion or mistake will not happen again in the future.

(We [] forwarded some of the comments you readers made to Nao)

Zook: I talked with our Localization Director (Jack Niida), and the below is the answer and comments from him.

Infel Pira is part of the Meta Falss which is pretty much like a huge tower with islands, so that's why we put it as the tower. However we should of just said the orbiting device to avoid confusion.


Sorry our mistake. Replakia is a device that only IPD's could use.


We basically meant if you fight well, you'll power up your Reyvatails. Didn't mean to confuse anybody.

Why was game developer Gust not mentioned in the press release?

We didn't have their name in for various reasons. Future press release might include it but not for now. (Contracts, copy right holder, etc many legal stuff we need to clear first)

"With all those typos and the error about the tower being Infel Phira and the IPD disease killing Reyvateils instead of turning them into killing psychos, it's really hard for me to think that it's real"

IPD does eventually kill the host (Reyvatail). If you doubt us, please check out Gust's official strategy guide for confirmation. Once infected you go crazy and start destroying things and eventually killing yourself in the process.

"IPD didn't kill Reyvatails"

IPD does kill. See above.

"You can't customize weapons."

Customize weapon meant you can craft new weapons through synthesis and equip these newly created weapons. Will make this more clear on the next press release.

I hope this has clarified some of the confusion.

We are planning on doing a future preview on the American localization of Ar tonelico 2. If you have any questions you would like to ask NIS America regarding the game, please either leave a message here in this post or use our contact form and we will ask them for you.