Friday, September 20, 2024
Category: Gaming News

With three different interations of the game already released, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3  has landed on Japanese cell phones as Persona 3 Social. The game marks the series' first multiplayer title, bringing a whole new dimension of gameplay. Using the Mobage-town, which is a Japanese social network service for mobile phones, players can accomplish various quest, defeat evil shadows, and of course, collect personas.

While the game will be free to play, Atlus will support the game's network with the inclusion of various micro transactions, such as purchasing in-game items; no further information has been released. Players can probably expect to see special weapons or personas for sale. Although the game is not likely to be released in the United States, fans can still pray.


Category: Gaming News

New details on Half-Minute Hero 2’s edit mode, which allows players to create their own half minute adventures and share with the world, have just been announced. Once players complete a level, they can upload it onto a server, allowing fans to download user created quests and even rate them. This is quite similar to other recent games, like Little Big Planet or ModNation Racers, that allow players to express and share their creativity.

Category: Gaming News
Square-Enix has announced a brand new third-person shooter,Gun Loco for the Xbox 360, featuring an art style and gameplay that rings more western than most titles Square Enix fans may be used to. The game will feature an exciting, fast paced single and multiplayer experience. Square-Enix claims that Gun Loco will bring a whole new approach to third-person action games. The game will feature a run-and-gun aspect, which will encourage players to constantly be on the move while chasing or being chased by enemies.

Category: Gaming News

While the newest game in the popular mecha series Front Mission will be an action game – Front Mission Evolved – Square Enix just announced that Front Mission 3 from the original Playstation will be released on the digital Playstation Store in Europe. No word yet on an American release. Front Mission fans have been somewhat split up over the latest iteration that turned the classic franchise into a third person action game, but this will be a great chance both for old time fans to relive the adventures and newcomers to see the franchise’s roots. More Front Mission details after the jump and a gameplay video of Front Mission 3 from the Playstation release.

Category: Gaming News

A mysterious viral website has just popped up that contains a short video of the recognizable blue flame associated with anime Black Rock Shooter. The final written text the video leaves states, "She becomes RPG," before cutting into an image of Black Rock Shooter herself pictured above. With a URL of, it's pretty certain that a pending announcement for the game is coming soon. Stay tuned for more updates; video and more details included inside.

UPDATE: Included background information of Black Rock Shooter