Friday, September 20, 2024
Category: Gaming News

For those who have a PC and Steam, Alien Swarm, previously a mod on the Unreal Tournament 2004 engine, has just been released for free. Alien Swarm is a top down shooter that can be played cooperatively with up to four players. Sadly, it’s not available for Mac users at the moment. Apparently, the same team behind this project also worked on Left 4 Dead and the Portal series, both of which are oozing with quality. Did we mention it’s free? We like free and we’re sure you do, too.


Category: Gaming News

Game publisher NIS America threw a press event in San Francisco on Thursday. The event itself was more of a party, with journalists and friends mingling with the staff and each other, sharing food and drinks together. 3 Games were specifically announced, Z.H.P., Cladun, and Ar tonelico Qoga.

Special guest Souhei Niikawa, President of Nippon Ichi Software, was also in attendance and discussed about limiting the number of games his company would be releasing and mentioned a near future release of a new Disgaea title for the Playstation 3. His full statement can be found inside.

We asked about Atelier Totori, Prinny 2, and Neptune; PR Manager Nao Zook told they were hoping they would be able to bring those games over in the near future. We will have to wait for NIS America’s next press event.

Category: Gaming News

Capcom has just announced a new Megaman game, called Megaman Universe. Currently, there are no details except for a stop motion teaser trailer without any gameplay whatsoever. All that we know at the moment is that it will be available on both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.However, the trailer features other Capcom characters like Ryu from Street Fighter and Arthur from Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts. Perhaps it was inspired by the recent fan-made Super Mario Crossover? Capcom will likely reveal more at Comic-Con, along with the freebies they’ll be handing out like Megaman Universe Mega Busters. For more information, visit Capcom’s blog here. Press release after the jump.

Category: Gaming News

For fans who liked Disgaea, they will be happy to know there is going to be a similar game called Zettai Hero Kaizou Keikaku (it will be localized in the US being called Z.H.P. ~Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman~) coming out between Fall or Winter 2010. It will be available in UMD format for the PlayStation Portable (PSP) as well as for download on the PlayStation Network. From the initial trailer and gamplay, it looks like the gameplay will be very similar to Disgaea's; however, the protagonist will have no party members. Supposedly there are “40 million ways to play” the game, though leveling up may or may not be as repetitive as in Disgaea. The promised countless combinations seem very appealing due to each combination having its own specific feature. This may be a hit-or-miss feature, as seen in other games that have tried it in the past.

Category: Gaming News

Cladun: This is an RPG, originally titled Classic Dungeon in Japan, was one of the few games whose release was announced at NIS America press event. However, contrary to the expectation, the game was not actually great, but rather quite disappointing. At least, that is the impression I had from playing it for about half an hour.