Friday, September 20, 2024
Category: Gaming News

NIS America announced on Thursday at their press event that Ar tonelico III: The Girl's Song that Pulls the Trigger of World's Demise will be localized in the United States as Ar tonelico Qoga ~Knell of Ar Ciel~ . The game has been estimated to be released in Spring 2011. Although the game was not present for play testing and no video footage was shown, we did get to sit down with the game’s localization manager, Ryuta Sato to address some of the questions and concerns some of our readers had.

Category: Gaming News

NIS America's press event is kicking off tonight at 6PM PST tonight in San Francisco. Apart from Ar tonelico 3 which will most likely be announced, we're also expecting a possible dungeon game for the PSP and a special guest from Nippon Ichi Software Japan to be in attendance... We'll be there providing you live updates, photos, and coverage on our twitter feed, so be sure to keep an eye there!

If you have any particular questions or concerns you would like us to address during event, feel free to post in the comments.

[An embargo was placed on the contents of the press asset CD until 12PM on 7/16/2010, which we honored. There was no mention of an embargo on the event itself.]

Category: Gaming News

While it was only a cult favorite, Hotel Dusk: Room 215 has a sequel dated in Europe for September 17. Titled Last Window: The Secret of Cape West, it stars Kyle Hyde one year after Hotel Dusk and features the same noir style graphics. Fans of visual novels should enjoy this story driven series that makes good use of the stylus controls. Sadly, the original developer, CING, is bankrupt. The title is being published by Nintendo, but no word yet on an American release. If it does well enough in Europe, perhaps we will see it come over to American shores, a possible revival of CING, and maybe even a third game...?

[Source: Joystiq]

Category: Gaming News

Japanese history lovers can rejoice! Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes will come to North America on October 12. It will be available for both the Wii and Playstation 3 - odd choice of consoles, considering the performance differences. Based on the description of the game and gameplay videos we've seen, it looks like a hack and slasher. It will be interesting to see it compete with the current king of hack and slashers, Tecmo Koei, and its titles coming out later this year - Samurai Warriors on the Wii and Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Official description from Capcom following the jump.

Category: Gaming News

A quick visit to Arc System Works' homepage will reveal a countdown timer, which will hit zero on July 23. Most of the time, these countdowns lead to a new game announcement. Considering that BlazBlue: Continuum Shift just hit Japanese consoles earlier this month and will come to American shores on July 27, it’s unlikely that a new one would be announced so soon. On the other hand, Guilty Gear has been on hiatus for a while now and Daisuke Ishiwatari has stated that a title is in the works. We can only wait ten more days and see.

[Source: Arc System Works via Flowerpoop]