Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Category: Convention News

 A few updates on how Fanime is going. The Masquerade was amazing this year, with a lot more fun skits than dull ones. Recorded every skit on film, and took pictures of every skit from the front row. Those should up ready by the end of ths week hopefully.

Incredibly I must note that the level of cosplayers have exponentially jumped this year compared to previous 5 years. Everywhere I go, I see costumes that really make my head turn with the amazing detail work involved. I've probably took around 200 photos so far and will have them up within the end of this week after resizing, white balancing, and watermarking.

Was unable to make it to the first Gainax Panel on Friday, but will be attending the Meet the Guests (Gainax) event and the "Animating and Unlocking Gurren Lagann" panel.

I was late about 15 minutes into Maika Netsu's panel, but we will be doing a one on one interview with her later today. Oddly enough, I was one of the winners for the raffle sketch session for Netsu-sensei. Will have pictures and scans up of it afterwards. 

Troy, our Chief Photographer injured himself on Friday, and ended up returning home on Saturday morning. I apologize as the Head of The-O Network Online to all the cosplayers that had scheduled a photoshoot session with us. I will still be roaming around on Sunday and Monday doing my best to fill in for him.  

Category: Convention News

 We have dug up new confirmed information in regards to Gainax's appearance. Tony, a FanimeCon Forum Administrator and MusicFest Head, said,

"Ok, I'm told we have some really interesting guests coming from GAINAX, and a lot of them, but they themselves have requested not to publicize the details. They should be in the program guide. In any case, we're planning a lot of events with them, so there will be ample opportunity to get your GAINAX fix..."

Marie, Assistant Director of Marketing for FanimeCon responded to Tony's comment,
"Think of it as a gift. You don't know what it's going to be, but when you open it, you know it's going to be awesome! And you're not the only one who's going to be surprised. Not even staff knows who exactly is going to show up. So let's be surprised together!"
 You can find our previous post on this subject here .
Category: Convention News

 Hiroyuki Yamaga, Co-Founder and President of Studio Gainax has a history of attending FanimeCon every year, but this year his name is absent from the Guests of Honor list. With a little digging into the FanimeCon boards, we have discovered some interesting details. 

At last year's Gurren Lagann Panel, Yamaga-san promised to bring more guests from Gainax (see our coverage located here ). It appears he'll be keeping his word. 

Category: Convention News

We would like to announce that The-O Network Online will be starting to live blog for all the fans out there unable to make it to Anime Expo 2009. We will try to blog at as many panels as we can. So stay tuned!