Saturday, March 29, 2025
Category: Convention News

If you haven't already guessed, yes we will be in fact covering Anime Expo 2008! Currently planned, we will be hitting various industry and press panels. We try to provide as much live updates as possible so for the fans at home can also enjoy the experience. Our associate at Anime Expo will be directing AXBackstage, so you might see us on cam if you look hard enough. We will also be bringing you a one on one interview with Nippon Ichi Software's character designer, Takehito Harada which has been currently rescheduled to Saturday due to his late flight arrival. Our camera crew will be walking around the convention filming various gathers, events, and panels; while our photography team has over 12GB worth of memory space for pictures on hand.

So stay tuned!

Category: Convention News

 A quick update, NIS America has released character designer Takehito Harada's schedule at Anime Expo.

Autograph sessions (@ NISA booth, #311)
Thursday, July 3rd: 4pm - 5pm
Friday, July 4th: 10:30am - 11:30am & 4pm - 5pm
Saturday, July 5th: 10:30am - 11:30am & 4pm - 5pm
Sunday, July 6th: 10:30am - 11:30am

Full release after the jump.


Category: Convention News
ax A couple press releases from AX hit the air today: First off, they announced the 3rd annual SPJA Industry Conference with inclusive key notes and panels, at which we'll see reps from SPJA, Japan External Trade Organization, FUNimation, and Crunchy Roll. Among the keynote speakers/panelists: Trulee Karahashi (CEO SPJA), Shigeru Kimura (Chiefe Executive Director JETO), Gen Fukunaga (CEO FUNimation), and Vu Nguyen (VP of Business-Development Crunchy Roll).
Read the rest here

Category: Convention News
ax 08Anime Expo and Intermixi Japan Tours are giving one lucky Jyukai Concert premium ticket holder at Anime Expo 2008 an all-expense paid ultimate trip to Japan. 
The winner will choose one of three Intermixi sponsored tours: The "Kame Hame Kansai" tour hits up various locales in Kyoto, Osaka, and Tokyo while the "Neo-Tokyo" tour takes you to the Tokyo Anime Fair, among other sensational spots in Tokyo. Lastly, the "Tokyo Game Show" tour brings you to one of the biggest gaming conventions in the world: the Tokyo Game Show.
More info and the full press release here
I've always wanted to go to TGS, especially since E3 died limited attendence
Category: Convention News

 In a newsletter sent out by NIS America on Friday May 30, character designer Takehito Harada will be coming to Anime Expo this year held at the L.A. Convention Center from July 3rd, to July 6th! Harada is most famous for his work on designing the characters from the hit tactical RPG series Disgaea. Harada will also be holding an autograph session most likely in our guess at NIS America's booth #311 in South Exit Hall. I'll take a stab at guessing that there probably will be a raffle ticketed sketch session. Definitely "Love Freak" Flonne for me if I get lucky. Anyone care to name their favorite character?
 Offficial statement from NIS America after the jump.
