Saturday, March 29, 2025
Category: Convention News

Merely a couple months earlier, Sakura-Con held the world premiere of the Trigun: Badlands Rumble with Director Satoshi Nishimura and Character Designer Takahiro Yoshimatsu present in Seattle, Washington. Not to be outdone, Anime Expo has announced on Tuesday that they will be premiering the first episode of the next installment of Black Lagoon titled Roberta’s Blood Trail. The series’ original creator Rei Hiroe as well as Mell who sang the opening theme song for the anime adaptation, will also be attending as a Guests of Honor. Press releases inside.

This is turning into quite an impressive guest list AX is having this year despite the mass protests and resignation of various members of the staff earlier this year.

Category: Convention News

Megumi Nakajima and May'n, who sing the parts for Ranka Lee and Sheryl Nome respectively in Macross Frontier, have just been announced as official guests of honor for Anime Expo 2010. The two will join the festivities in the first weekend of July as they participate in guest panels, autograph signings, and a concert featuring the two of them and a special, unannounced guest. Considering that Macross Frontier has not been licensed yet in North America, is this a hint of what's to come? Full press release follows the jump.


Category: Convention News

San Jose based anime convention, FanimeCon announced on Friday that Japanese rock band FLOW will be performing at the event. FLOW's music has been used in anime series such as Code Geass, Eureka Seven, Heroman, and Naruto. FLOW has made a previous American appearance at Anime Fest 2009 held in Dallas, Texas.

Category: Convention News

Reliable sources had told us Anime Expo was negotiating with famed otaku blogger Danny Choo a couple months back. On Thursday, Choo has confirmed on his Facebook page that he will be attending:

"Tonight I'll be sending in my confirmation to attend AX. ??????????????ANIME EXPO???????"

Choo runs the popular otaku blog site which started originally as a figure and hobby blog site. Over time, the site's exponential growth lead to worldwide media attention allow Choo to start his own business based on the site, Mirai Inc. Anime Expo is the largest anime convention in the United States roughly bringing in over 40,000 fans worldwide.

Stay tuned as we bring you more news and coverage and we are in the process of interview arrangements!

Tonight I'll be sending in my confirmation to attend AX. ??????????????ANIME EXPO???????

Category: Convention News
Gainax studio is no stranger at the San Jose anime convention, FanimeCon. Gainax's Executive Director and Co-Founder,  Hiroyuki Yamaga has made almost yearly appearances since the convention began. What's interesting is that for the first time on Fanime's official dealer's list, Gainax is listed as having a booth. Currently it is uncertain as to what they will be using the booth for, though we're hoping it will be used to sell exclusive Gainax merchandise and goods from Japan.

Update: FanimeCon has removed Gainax from their dealer's list. A moderator on the official Fanime boards has stated that the company will not be holding a booth. Thanks to jimsha for the information.