Thursday, September 19, 2024
Category: Convention News

San Jose based anime convention, FanimeCon announced on Friday that Japanese rock band FLOW will be performing at the event. FLOW's music has been used in anime series such as Code Geass, Eureka Seven, Heroman, and Naruto. FLOW has made a previous American appearance at Anime Fest 2009 held in Dallas, Texas.

Category: Convention News

Reliable sources had told us Anime Expo was negotiating with famed otaku blogger Danny Choo a couple months back. On Thursday, Choo has confirmed on his Facebook page that he will be attending:

"Tonight I'll be sending in my confirmation to attend AX. ??????????????ANIME EXPO???????"

Choo runs the popular otaku blog site which started originally as a figure and hobby blog site. Over time, the site's exponential growth lead to worldwide media attention allow Choo to start his own business based on the site, Mirai Inc. Anime Expo is the largest anime convention in the United States roughly bringing in over 40,000 fans worldwide.

Stay tuned as we bring you more news and coverage and we are in the process of interview arrangements!

Tonight I'll be sending in my confirmation to attend AX. ??????????????ANIME EXPO???????

Category: Convention News
Gainax studio is no stranger at the San Jose anime convention, FanimeCon. Gainax's Executive Director and Co-Founder,  Hiroyuki Yamaga has made almost yearly appearances since the convention began. What's interesting is that for the first time on Fanime's official dealer's list, Gainax is listed as having a booth. Currently it is uncertain as to what they will be using the booth for, though we're hoping it will be used to sell exclusive Gainax merchandise and goods from Japan.

Update: FanimeCon has removed Gainax from their dealer's list. A moderator on the official Fanime boards has stated that the company will not be holding a booth. Thanks to jimsha for the information.
Category: Convention News

Rumors were floating around online that the World Cosplay Summit (WCS) will be holding a preliminary at this year's FanimeCon in San Jose, California. Staff and organizers have stressed that the competition will be held as a panel independent of any Fanime run events. An official post has been made on Fanime's forum supposedly by one of the event organizers on the topic. Little details are provided, but what we do know that the panel will be held on Sunday May 30, 2010.

Roughly 15 countries compete yearly since 2003 and is sponsored by TV Aichi. Preliminary rounds are held in each respective countries with finals typically taking place in Nagoya, Japan.

Category: Convention News

FanimeCon announced on Tuesday that artist Mamoru Yokota will be joining the guest list this year. His more prominent roles include working as animation director for the anime adaptation of Death Note, and as a producer for the 2002 anime version of Kanon, and Air the movie. As an artist, he has released various artbooks and has also contributed promotional artwork to popular series including Code Geass, and Macross Frontier. Interestingly, Anime News Network has noted that he will be appearing at a 18+ only panel. Yokota is also the character designer for several adult themed hentai such as Magical Kanan, and Angelium.