Saturday, March 29, 2025
Category: Convention News

Rumors were floating around online that the World Cosplay Summit (WCS) will be holding a preliminary at this year's FanimeCon in San Jose, California. Staff and organizers have stressed that the competition will be held as a panel independent of any Fanime run events. An official post has been made on Fanime's forum supposedly by one of the event organizers on the topic. Little details are provided, but what we do know that the panel will be held on Sunday May 30, 2010.

Roughly 15 countries compete yearly since 2003 and is sponsored by TV Aichi. Preliminary rounds are held in each respective countries with finals typically taking place in Nagoya, Japan.

Category: Convention News

FanimeCon announced on Tuesday that artist Mamoru Yokota will be joining the guest list this year. His more prominent roles include working as animation director for the anime adaptation of Death Note, and as a producer for the 2002 anime version of Kanon, and Air the movie. As an artist, he has released various artbooks and has also contributed promotional artwork to popular series including Code Geass, and Macross Frontier. Interestingly, Anime News Network has noted that he will be appearing at a 18+ only panel. Yokota is also the character designer for several adult themed hentai such as Magical Kanan, and Angelium.

Category: Convention News

Anime Expo has just announced Yuu Asakawa as their next guest of honor at Anime Expo 2010. Asakawa has starred in many prolific anime such as Love Hina, Azumanga Daioh, and School Rumble. With an extensive resume, it looks like Asakawa will have no problem drawing in fans for her autograph sessions and panels that will take place at Anime Expo 2010 in the Los Angeles Convention Center from July 1 - 4.

Full press release after the jump

Category: Convention News

Seattle based anime convention, Sakura-Con has announced famed character designer Noizi Ito as a guest. Noizi is best known for her work as the original character designer for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Shakugan no Shana, and various adult PC visual novel games. Sakura-Con 2010 will be held from April 2-4 at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center. Should be interesting to see the fan reactions. Press release inside.

Category: Convention News

After having returned from Japan, we've finally sorted out all the cosplay photos we took at Comiket 76, day 3. It was pretty hot and humid that day and we like to thank all the cosplayers who allowed us to photgraph them. The only thing we regret is not being to take more! Check them out now in our gallery.