Friday, March 28, 2025
Category: Anime News

Wassap, my homies!  Looks like the Chaldea Security team is having a USA tour for Fate/Grand Order with five locations announced, plus Heaven's Feel the Movie II. lost butterfly!

Category: Anime News

I've been reading a manga called Kengan Ashura for quite a bit. Big muscles. Blood. Lots of graphic violence as fighters go mano a mano. This isn't your usual shonen fare. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that an anime was announced, and under Netflix's ever-growing umbrella no less. The project began in 2015 after being the winner of a fan vote for anime adaptation and is finally coming to fruition.

Category: Anime News

Naruto fans must check out this awesome dance choreography by O-DOG during the Arena 2018 dance competition held on May 20th in Chengdu, China.

Category: Anime News

Originally released in Japan on August 24, 2017, Prisma Illya Alarm: Magical Ruby Selection Illya has been announced for an English release in early May 2018. 
The app features Illyasviel von Einzbern who stars in the Fate spinoff series, Fate/kaleid liner. The app contains over 250 new voice recordings by voice actress Mai Kadowaki, and 30 illustrations drawn by the anime studio Silver Link.

Category: Anime News

With only days away until release, a new ad poster appeared for the Full Metal Alchemist live action movie a few days ago. Poster image can be found below.
For clarification, the "A Netflix Original Film" on the poster indicates the company has exclusive distribution rights and does not necessarily indicate they had any involvement with production or funding of the film.

The film will be available for streaming starting February 19.