Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Category: Anime News

 A short while ago, as of this posting, a user of 2chan , a Japanese posting board, uploaded several digital camera snapshots of a computer monitor apparently playing Code Geass Season 2. Whether they are from an actual episode, most likely the first episode, or from an unreleased teaser trailer is currently unknown. 

 For those who have never watched or finished season 1, I suggest you stop reading here, else click read more for the full article and pictures!

We will be monitoring this as the story unfolds. 

UPDATE: So it appears that the these screens were taken from a DVD trailer found in a magazine released on the 25th.  

Category: Anime News

 Studio Rikka, the producer of Pale Cocoon , is coming back with a new film on January 8, 2008, titled Time of Eve.

Click "read more" for the translations.