Saturday, February 22, 2025
Category: Anime News
Alright folks, here's the third bow in Gainax's on-running series of Gurren Lagann themed music videos and ostensibly this one is a bit jazzier than the previous two, which isn't to say it's a bad thing in the least. Set against Yoko's aptly titled song "Boing vs. Boing", this video recalls the feverish openings of anime past, such as Cowboy Bebop, to name one. There's a theme here, hidden within the three minute montage of semi-related images, but I can't seem to find it -- maybe you'll have better luck? Enjoy, stay classy.
Category: Anime News

 So apparently the Nia artbook from Gurren Lagann is out, and pictures of the book has surfaced online. Knowing the community, expect larger scans in the next day or two. Definitely picking up a copy of this book.

Pictures inside after the jump!

Category: Anime News
The second video in Gainax's music clip project is now available to be consumed, digested and turned into vital geek nutrients. You can also find the video on the official website for your viewing pleasure. Watch as Kamina and crew duke it out in epic pachinko battles set against cool music from the tv series.
Category: Anime News
ovaThe Lucky Star OVA has been pushed back a month (or so), from August 29th to September 26th, at least that's what retailers have been told.
Well shoot, there goes my entire summer. Dammit!
Category: Anime News
{multithumb}Image What better way to spend start your summer vacation than with some new anime airing this season?