Thursday, March 27, 2025
Category: Interview

We were given a brief chance to speak with Yasuhiro Nightow, creator of Trigun, and the Director of the new Trigun movie, Satoshi Nishimura before the start of Anime Expo 2009. Surprisingly, Nightow turned out to be a very funny and laid-back person. Before we knew it, our interview sidetracked and turned into a relaxed conversation. Regardless, we have omitted the personal comments and have only included questions and answers relating to both men's work.

Category: Interview

Before the official start of Anime Expo 2009, we got a chance to sit down briefly with Director Hiroyuki Imaishi and Character Designer Atsushi Nishigori from the hit series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Category: Interview

With only about a month away before L’Arc~en~Ciel's famed singer Hyde and Oblivion Dust's K.A.Z. perform live together in the United States as VAMPS, we got a chance to talk briefly with the band. Get to know the band a little more before seeing them in concert!

Category: Interview

We were lucky enough to sit down with Momoi Halko and conduct an exclusive interview with her at FanimeCon 2009. Hear what the 'Queen of Akihabara' had to say about her trip to America!

Category: Interview

Band group Jyukai is probably most recognized by the anime community for their ending song "Anata ga Ita Mori" in Fate/Stay Night. Other anime-related songs include the openings and endings for Ah! My Goddess, and the ending for Busoi Renkin. Join us for a one-on-one interview with the band.

We've also included a special video message left by the band for their fans.
