Yuu Asakawa is a seasoned veteran who has played in various legendary titles including Love Hina as Motoko Aoyama, Azumanga Daioh as Sakaki, Fate/stay night as Rider, Akame ga Kill! as Leone and we cannot forget she also voiced as Megurine Luka from Vocaloid. What sets her apart from other voice actresses is her embracing the English language which allows her to interact with her English speaking fans. Although we missed her at Anime Expo back in 2010, we were lucky enough sit down with her at Anime on Display and chat a little about her freelance voice acting work.
Eir Aoi is household name in the world of anisong (anime songs/music). In the past we've talked to Eir Aoi about her early career when she first started and even played a video game against her. Hear about some of the exciting things she did while in San Francisco for the J-POP Summit 2015.
On July 2, 2015 we attended a backstage interview and photo session with Momoiro Clover Z (Momoclo) and the group KISS. This was right before Momoclo took the stage for their concert and KISS would join them to receive the prestigious 2015 “Special Commissioner’s Award” from Japan’s International Short Shorts Asian Film Festival for their music video "Yumeno Ukiyoni Saitemina" in which Sushio from the anime studio Trigger worked on by designing the characters in the animated version of the music video.
Read more: Backstage Interview with Momoiro Clover Z & KISS @ Anime Expo 2015
Bright, cheerful, and full of energy, Little Glee Monster is a rising young Japanese girl group. Featuring powerfu vocals, their song "Gao Gao All-Star" appears as the fourth ending theme song for Pokemon XY. Learn more about the group in our video interview at J-POP Summit in San Francisco!
Read more: Little Glee Monster Interview @ J-Pop Summit 2015
At first sight you might think these girls are your every day idol group. In reality, these girls rock out on stage with their instruments as Gacharic Spin. Their upbeat and energetic music lead their song, "Don't Let Me Down" to be featured in the seventh ending theme song for Dragonball Kai. Hear what they had to say as we talk to them about their first appearance at J-POP Summit Festival in San Francisco.
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