Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Tomoyo Kurosawa Interview @ Anime Expo 2015

As part of the upcoming tide of talent in Japanese voice acting, Tomoyo Kurosawa has played roles including Natsuki Koyama in Welcome to THE SPACE SHOW as well as Otome Arisugawa (Aikatsu!), Miria Akagi (The IDOLM@STER Girls), Kumiko Oumae (Sound! Euphonium) and Itsuki Inubozaki (Yuki Yuna is a Hero). Find out what the charming young voice actress had to say briefly about her first time in L.A., school life in Japan and about her role in Yuki Yuna!

T-ONO: Is this your first time in Los Angeles?

Kurosawa: Yes it is!

T-ONO: Are there any food in particular that you are looking forward to trying while in Los Amgeles?

Kurosawa: Ummm, a big, big, big hamburger!

T-ONO: Have you heard of In-N-Out?

Kurosawa: Yes, I’ve heard of it! I really want to go there!

T-ONO: Might we suggest “animal style?”

Kurosawa: Is it good?

T-ONO: Yes, it’s quite delicious!

Kurosawa: Really, perhaps I’ll try it then!

T-ONO: In Yuki Yuna is a Hero, your character Itsuki attends an after school club called the Hero Club. Did you attend any after school clubs yourself as a student?

Kurosawa: In middle school, I was actually in the cooking club and when I was in high school, I was part of the music club and played the guitar.

T-ONO: Are these after school clubs mandatory in Japan?itsuki tomoyo kurosawa ax15

Kurosawa: Depending on the school, more than 50% of the students are involved in some club. The school that I went to, 90% of the students were involved in clubs.

T-ONO: If you could make a club with any anime character, who would be in it and what would the club objective be?

Kurosawa: We’d probably make a walking club or nap club with characters that have soft personalities such as Goto-kun and Ricco in Sound! Euphonium.

T-ONO: In Yuki Yuna is a Hero, your character loses her voice after a few episodes, how do you feel about your fans who wanted to hear more of your voice?

Kurosawa: Haha, well you can only listen to Itsuki’s songs if you watch episode nine.

T-ONO: In Yuki Yuna is a Hero all the cast sings the ED song in an episode, and your character Itsuki Inubozaki has a dream of becoming an idol singer. Do you in real life share this dream as your character?

Kurosawa: What I actually really like is the theater in addition to singing as part of my career!

T-ONO: Are you working on any current or future projects that you could share with us?

Kurosawa: Sorry, I can’t share them yet!

T-ONO: Lastly, do you have any special messages that you would like to tell your fans?

Kurosawa: Well since I came to Los Angeles, I had a chance to meet a lot of fans through networking such as Q&A and other events which makes me very happy to be here. It makes me very happy to know that a lot of people [overseas] love anime, so please continue to enjoy it!