Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Puffy AmiYumi Interview

The legendary Puffy AmiYumi returns to the USA in April making a 3-city tour stop in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Dallas.  They are probably best known by their Western fans from their opening theme song in the hit animated series, Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go!, and from their own animated series, Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi. We caught up with the duo for a quick chat before their big return tour in the United States.

 T-ONO: Can you tell us a little about the theme of your upcoming tour in the United States?

Ami: The last time we had a tour was 10 years ago, and it has been a while. But we want to let the fans know that we weren’t slacking off or anything so to give it a meaning, we named the tour “NOT LAZY TOUR”.
亜美: 今回はツアーとしては10年ぶりなので、ずいぶんご無沙汰しちゃったなという気持ちがあるんですが、その間決してサボってたわけじゃないんですよと意味を込めての「NOT LAZY TOUR」になります。

T-ONO: Are there any particular places you’d like to visit on tour?

Yumi: We will be going to Dallas for the first time so we are excited to see what kind of place it is.
由美: 今回ダラスが初めて行く土地なのでどんなところなんだろう?と楽しみにしています。

 T-ONO: Can you tell us about any musical influences you may have incorporated into your performances or music over the last 20 years?

Ami: Puffy’s influence is definitely Mr. Tamio Okuda. And recently the new Puffy has been influenced by Hyadin and “Puffy Pipo San(Mountain)” a new image song of the new Puffy.
亜美: パフィーが影響を受けまくったのはやはり、奥田民生さんですかねー。そして最近では、新しいパフィーの一面を、ヒャダインさんや「パフィピポ山」という曲の制作チームに引き出してもらったと思います。

 T-ONO: What types of music or musicians are you currently listening to?

Yumi: There is a Japanese artist called Dress Codes and I have been listening to their newest album “Heibon” a lot.
由美: 日本人でドレスコーズというミュージシャンがいてその方の新譜「平凡」ってアルバムをよく聴いています。

 T-ONO: Can you tell us a little about some of the challenges you had to overcome to maintain your popularity?

Ami: Maintain our popularity… we would like to be taught how to. We are both very clumsy so we try our best to do everything we can. This is the result of our 20 years.
亜美: 人気を保つ…方法を教えてほしいぐらいです。二人とも不器用なので、20年間出来ることしかやってこなかった結果、こんな感じです。

 T-ONO: Are there any particular anime titles or American TV shows you are currently following?

Yumi: … I don’t usually watch too much television regularly. I would like to know what kind of shows are good right now.
由美: …すみません、日常あんまりテレビをみることがなくて。逆におもしろいドラマがあれば教えてもらいたいです。

 T-ONO: And lastly, a message for your old and new fans who are eagerly awaiting to see you perform again!

Ami: People who have waited 10 years or people who watched our anime when they were little, we would like to make both kinds of fans enjoy our show!!
亜美: 10年ぶりにライブに来るという方も、アニメを見ていた時は小さかった方も、ちゃんと楽しんでもらえるようなライブにします!!

Yumi: It has been a while since we were on stage so I am very excited about the show. 
It is our 21st year after debut so the stage has gotten more exciting over the years. Please come see us!!!
由美: かなり久しぶりのステージ、とにかく楽しみにしています。デビューして今年21年目、どんどん楽しいステージになっていると思います。是非足を運んでくださーい!

Follow Puffy AmiYumi at:

Official: http://puffyamiyumi.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/PuffyAmiYumi/
VEVO: http://www.vevo.com/artist/puffy