Saturday, February 22, 2025
Recent details on Nippon Ichi Software’s (NIS) new game, Criminal Girls, have been released. Four girls have been introduced: Ran, Yuko, Sako, and Shin. Each girl has a certain personality based on sin they have been committed. In addition, the girls are also voiced by an array of Japanese talents. Gamers in North America probably won't get a chance to hear them, unless NIS decides to add Japanese voiceovers. Criminal Girls is turning out to be an interesting take on the RPG genre, combining signature NIS gameplay and an absurd amount of fan service.


Criminal Girls still remains a mystery to many NIS fans, but a couple of clues from screenshots show players what might be in the combat system. Criminal Girls appears to have a suggestion feature during combat that allows the characters in the game to suggest actions for players. Gamers can then choose if they want to perform it. Since the girls are criminals, they may or may not follow the player's orders. When this happens, players will have to "punish" them in order to keep the girls from rebelling. The punishment system is still a mystery, but from the looks of certain screenshots, spanking will be the main form of punishment.

Fans will probably be glad that this NIS game wasn't cancelled. Having players punish the characters seems like an odd focus and even kinky for some, but it will definitely differentiate the game from the pack and draw attention from gamers.

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