Saturday, March 29, 2025
Ulysses Anime Q&A Panel Transcript at CRX 2018

Check out our Q&A transcript of the Ulysses: Jeanne d’Arc and the Alchemist Knight panel featuring Yuko Ono who voices the main character Jeanne d’Arc, and Sound Director Ryosuke Naya at the 2018 Crunchyroll Expo.

0680dc765a40386f05476bf726d9c1821533388864 fullAs Jeanne has 2 faces, what techniques do you use to play those roles?

Ono: When I first auditioned for the role, I went in and did a similar type of voices. I was later directed to imagine and voice the personalities as two different characters and I have followed through with that direction since.

What are some of Naya-san's responsibilities?

Naya: As a Sound Director, I have to find ways on how to apply a style to a particular character. For example, adjusting the laughter of a particular character, whether it needs to be louder or softer. In addition, I pay special attention to understanding each voice actor’s personality which allows me to give them the right directions to match the characters.

For Ono-san, I typically don’t give her long directions but just enough where she can relate to the character. For example, Ono-san has a cute personality so it wasn’t difficult for her to match the character; however, for Jeanne’s other self, it was harder. Ono-san had to be angrier.

What type of voice actress does Ono-san want to be?

Ono: My goal is to have more people enjoy my work globally and not just in Japan. It makes me really happy to hear when fans appreciate my work.

How can Naya-san help Ono-san achieve her goal and grow?

Naya: For a voice actor, it’s not a job you can simply do by yourself. While a musician can grow by doing street performances, a voice actress needs to be offered a role after an anime has been created. Ono-san has told me she wanted to be a voice actress her whole life. I would like to continue helping her in finding the right roles to match her skills now and throughout her career - even 10 to 20 years down the line.

Closing Words 

Naya: We’re in the middle of working on Ulysses and I really want to transport you to the 100 Years War as the Sound Director. I really hope you enjoy it.

Ono: For this particular anime, there are many interesting points. You can enjoy the story about the war, Jeanne herself as a cute character, and the comedic parts.
I hope after watching all twelve episodes, you can say it was an amazing anime.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone who came out to support the series!

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