Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Category: Game Reviews

Four years after the original release of indie game developer Grace Bruxner's The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game, Frog Detective 3 works as a cute and decently satisfying conclusion to the series. With nearly double the length of the first game, gamers once again get to don their trench coat and return to the adventures of their favorite amphibious detective. This time to investigate the case of the missing hats in Cowboy Country.

Category: Game Reviews


As a kid from the 80’s I have always enjoyed the old-school run-and-gun genre of games with their fast paced action and fun characters. Spidersaurs looks to resurrect the nostalgia of a run-and-gun game inspired by old Saturday morning cartoons and the ever-popular Contra series.

Category: Game Reviews


Souls. In and outside the realm of video games, that word would conjure up vastly different imagery. In our domain, it has become synonymous with one of the most unforgiving franchises in gaming history; so when a game brands itself as a “souls-like” game, naturally it will turn some heads and attract some challenge seekers. Lost Epic draws our attention not only with its offer of a challenge, but its beautiful anime-esque art style will pull in even those who shy away from adventure. 

Category: Game Reviews

It should come as no surprise to anyone that adding a cat to almost anything on the internet is sure to garner more upvotes, likes, thumbs ups, or whatever internet point system is in vogue at the time. Likewise, former Ubisoft developers and BlueTwelve Studio founders, Koola and Viv were definitely onto something with the cat-centric Stray, which has garnered attention with its feline protagonist amidst the backdrop of a dystopian city. While many would jump at the opportunity to have the orange tabby of Stray as their companion, it may not immediately be clear how fun it would be to explore the city as the unclaimed felid. 

Category: Game Reviews

Oftentimes, when games tout a one-man development team, it is used as little more than a marketing scheme or to preemptively excuse the title’s shortcomings. In the case of Bright Memory: Infinite, an FPS action title from rookie developer Zeng Xian Cheng and studio FYQD, it comes across as a shocker that will grab any gamers’ attention with the game’s beautiful textures and exciting gameplay.