Saturday, March 29, 2025
Category: Game Reviews

Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy takes place 15 years after the first game, Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis. Much has changed, including the famed Al-Revis Academy's budget. In a desperate attempt to revive the school, Marta Silweste is appointed as Chairman and enacts new policies including accepting nonalchemists. To much applause, the school prospers and at the height of the Chairman's influence, proposes to rid the academy of alchemy classes once and for all.

Category: Game Reviews

Dissidia: Final Fantasy is a new PSP fighting game developed by Square Enix, featuring characters from the original Final Fantasy to Final Fantasy XI. Having developed fighting games in the past like Ehrgeiz and Tobal, Square Enix is no newcomer to fighting games, but how well would it fare after such a long hiatus?

Category: Game Reviews

Na, Na, Na...The nostalgic music plays as this new, yet familiar game starts up. Katamari Tribute is the newest game in the Katamari series for the Playstation 3. The King of the Cosmos has been hit on the head by some celestial body and now suffers from amnesia. During the accident, the King has also made a mess of things in the universe and now it is up to you to clean it up. To help fill the void of “cluelessness” in the King of the Cosmos, the Prince and his cousins, played by you as always, decide to build a robotic King of the Cosmos, who gives out missions to complete.

Category: Game Reviews

The first high definition 2D fighting game, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger is the spiritual successor to Guilty Gear;  it features the same producer, designer, and music composer as its predecessor. Can it compete against other fighting games like this year's Street Fighter IV? Read this review to find out.

Category: Game Reviews

Rockin Android, a company based in Los Angeles, specializes in licensing and publishing niche genre games. Recently, they were at Anime Expo 2009, showing off this game at the booth. We thought it looked interesting and checked it out. Suguri Perfect Edition includes both Suguri, a side scrolling shooter, and Acceleration of Suguri, the multi player expansion set that will give players a completely new experience.