Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Category: Convention News

Aside from the wide variety of games, there was also some very some very impressive cosplayers on the show floor. Here's just a quick look at some of the coolest cosplay we found at PAX West.

Category: Convention News


The fourth and final event of the July Fourth weekend is Kurocon (Kurotsukicon). Kurocon, you ask? Don't worry if you've never heard of it; I hadn't either until earlier this week when a friend told me about it. There's a Canadian eventer (slang for a person who goes to Japanese events, generally musical in nature, and generally a lot of them) who goes by the name of Kurotsuki. As Anime Expo was not taking place this year he decided, perhaps jokingly, to make his own event. Things kind of ran from there, a bunch of people jumped on board, industry joined too, and voila, here we are.

Category: Convention News

The third event of 2020's July Fourth weekend is Aniplex Online Fest. Much like FunimationCon, Aniplex Online Fest is all about Aniplex's own franchises and IP. Aniplex Online Fest takes place on July 4-5.


Category: Convention News


July 4th weekend is a staple for anime convention fans. As mentioned earlier, this year is a little different and everything has gone online. The second of our articles focuses upon FunimationCon 2020, also being held on July 3-4.

Category: Convention News


Normally on a July 4th weekend we'd be down in Los Angeles with 100,000 other fans for none other than Anime Expo. COVID19 has put a wrench in convention plans for the year but that doesn't mean absolutely nothing will be going on. Anime Expo, Funimation, Aniplex, and a Canadian named Kurotsuki have taken it upon themselves to hold events online. We'll be focusing on the SPJA's "Anime Expo Lite," being held on July 3-4, for this article.