Wednesday, January 22, 2025
amazarashi to Broadcast the Streaming Concert "Mappoudokushou Utenkekkou" on 12/12 Japan, 12/20 Global

Looking for more streaming concerts to watch?  amazarashi has you covered with a concert titled "Mappoudokushou Utenkekkou" coming up on 12/12 in Japan and 12/20 around the world.  The group's unique artistic flare will give you a whole new way to look at concerts.

amazarashi has been active since 2007 and are probably best well known for their contributions to Tokyo Ghoul, Boku no Hero Academia, NieR: Automata, Rampo Kitan: Game of Lapalace, and Dororo. The group consists of Hiromu Akita and Manami Toyokawa. They made their major debut in 2010 so this year is their tenth anniversary.

amazarashi is as much a performance art piece as it is a band so they have a few unconventional plans in place. They'll be at the Hill of the Buddha in Makomanai Takino Memorial Park in Sapporo, Japan. The Buddha statue created by Tadao Ando will become part of the performance. Messages from fans on twitter will be utilized as part of the show and seven chapters of poetry written by Hiromu Akita will be read.


The set list will have both old and new songs so expect at least a few of the most popular anisongs. The songs Reiwa Year 2, written earlier this year, and One Room Narrative Poetry, which will be released on 12/16, will be played as part of the set.

In Japan, the concert will stream on 12/12. Outside of Japan it will stream on 12/20 at 11AM JST for fans in the US, Mexico, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Chile, Brazil, France, and Hong Kong. For those of you in America that's 6AM PST and 9AM EST on 12/19. It will be available until 12/22 at 1259PM JST (8PM PST/11PM EST on 12/21).

Tickets are on-sale now at and cost $36.

Please view amazarashi's website for more information about the group