Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Yui Horie/Miss Monochrome Interview @ Anime Expo 2017

SHOWMAKER is an up and coming user-generated game that is set to release this winter. The game will allow players to create a virtual live stage show performance in VR for the Vocaloid character, Miss Monochrome. Miss Monochrome has appeared in anime and manga, following the story of an android who is trying to become an idol. Celebrating the announcement for the game, we sat down with the game’s producers, Haruki Hayashi, Yoshihiko Katagiri, and esteemed voice actress Yui Horie who voices Miss Monochrome, at Anime Expo 2017.

Transcriber: Ken Dubois

The-O: Could you please briefly introduce yourselves and your involvement with SHOWMAKER?

Hayashi: I am the producer for Miss Monochrome, Haruki Hayashi. I work with Mr. Katagiri on the production of the game as well as quality control of the features through the eyes of Miss Monochrome.

Katagiri: I am a producer for SHOWMAKER, Yoshihiko Katagiri. We are creating an application that features Miss Monochrome, where you can produce or create a live stage show through the Steam platform.

Horie: Hello, I’m Yui Horie, 17 years old [laughs].
(Yui Horie is a member of the famous voice actress group "Ju-nana sai kyo" or the 17 years old movement)

I actually am one of the people who cheers them (the production team) on behind the scenes.

The-O: I understand the game itself is still in development and only the trailer has been released, so very little is known about the game. Can Horie-san give us any details about the game she has been able to play?

Horie: I actually have had the chance to play with it on a VR system and it’s amazing! It’s as if Miss Monochrome is really standing in front of you, and if you look from below just a little bit, you can maybe see what’s underneath her skirt? Or maybe not? [laughs]
It feels like a realistic concert just for you by Miss Monochrome!


The-O: Were you able to try and play with any of the features such as choosing the songs or the dance moves?

Hayashi: Some of those features are still in various stages of development, so we haven’t had the chance to test those parts of the game just yet.

Katagiri: In the future, we may release a video of the features Horie-san chooses.

The-O: Will Horie-san be designing any of the costumes or outfits for Miss Monochrome in future updates or DLCs?

Horie: Ah! I would love to!!! I would really love to design the outfits!

Katagiri: Oh! If Horie-san is up for it we (the development team) would really appreciate it.

Horie: Maybe we can have some outfits that pair together. Miss Monochrome is a very cute character so there are many costume ideas that I would like for her to wear.


The-O: On the technical side of the game, is this game made on your own engine or is it on a pre-existing engine?

Katagiri: It is being developed on the Unreal Engine 4.

The-O: Have there been any difficulties with the engine?

Katagiri: It is actually a lot easier to work with than some of the other engines so we haven’t encountered any real difficulties yet. The hardest part of the game is recreating Miss Monochrome to be more realistic than ever.

The-O: In the trailer, it appears players can choose the character’s moves and dance actions. Are you planning to add new moves and actions after release?

Katagiri: Yes, you can actually choose the dance motions and create the dance steps for Miss Monochrome. Initially, there will be a set amount of moves in the game, but we are planning to let the users create and add their own movements; this will allow for more customization and content releases. We are still working this out with Steamworks.

The-O: Unfortunately it appears we are out of time. For our last question, what message would you like to give the future Miss Monochrome “producers” or players of the game?

Katagiri: My wish is for Miss Monochrome to be famous worldwide with the help of all the producers out there.

Hayashi: This game is a tool to make Miss Monochrome rise to the top so we would love the fans to help her raise her popularity.

Horie: This game is a tool for fans to create their vision of Miss Monochrome. So I am very excited to see what different kinds of Miss Monochrome people will create of her.

The-O: We look forward to trying the game this winter. Maybe then, Miss Monochrome will take the spotlight away from Hatsune Miku?

All: [Laughs]

Horie: For that we will need everyone to help her out!


To learn more about SHOWMAKER and Miss Monochrome:
