Tuesday, March 18, 2025
ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D Interview @ FanimeCon 2013

We sit down with the four-piece J-Rock band ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D during last month's FanimeCon 2013. Famous for their smash hit, "Complication" from Durarara!! and "In My World" from the Blue Exorcist read on to find out more about how the members' lives, why they started their band and which super moé anime they'd like to perform a hit song for.

T-ONO: Please introduce yourselves one by one.
T-ONO: 初めに各自、自己紹介をお願いします。

SHiNNOSUKE: We are Rookiez is Punk'd, I am SHiNNOSUKE doing vocal and guitar.
SHiNNOSUKE: Rookiez is Punk'd,ボーカルギターのSHiNNOSUKEです

2Rash: I am 2Rash, I play the bass.
2Rash: ベースの2Rashです

TAKUMi: I'm TAKUMi and I play the guitar.
TAKUMi: ギターのTAKUMiです

U: I'm U on drums.
U: ドラムのUです

T-ONO: Could you talk a little bit about your hobbies?
T-ONO: 皆様の趣味や特技はなんですか?

2Rash: Cooking, I love cooking, Cooking!
2Rash: Cooking! 料理大好きです。Cooking!

SHiNNOSUKE: I like to go around the city on my skateboard. I like to read books too.
SHiNNOSUKE: 僕はスケートボードで町を散歩したりとか、後は本を読んだりします。

TAKUMi: My hobbies are watching movies, I love foreign movies. I watch American dramas, stuff like "The O.C." that takes place in Orange County.

U: Hmm, I like to watch anime. Other than that, I am playing this smartphone game called "Puzzles and Dragons" right now.
U: 僕は、そうですね、アニメを見てます。アニメを見終わったら、まぁ、見終わったらというかほかの趣味は最近は携帯ゲームのパズドラです。

T-ONO: Is this your first time in the U.S.?
T-ONO: アメリカはこれが始めてですか?

U: Yes, this is our first time performing in the U.S. and my first time coming to the U.S.
U: はい、ライブでは初めてで、僕自身は個人的に始めて海外にきました。

TAKUMi: Me too, this is my first time.
TAKUMi: 僕も初めてですね、海外

SHiNNOSUKE: I went to New York once.
SHiNNOSUKE: 僕は一回ニューヨークに行ったことがありますね。

2Rash: I came to Los Angeles once, and I lived in Abu Dhabi for a little bit.
2Rash: 僕はロサンゼルスに一回行ったことあることと、昔UAに住んでました

T-ONO: What do you think about this city [San Jose]?
T-ONO: では、サンノゼは皆様初めてということで、サンホゼに来てどう思いましたか?

2Rash: [The city] has a nice feeling.
2Rash: 調子いいね、

SHiNNOSUKE: It is a really nice city. Everybody here is so kind.

U: We haven't explored all of it yet, so I want to check out the town more.
U: まだ、遊びきれてないんで、いっぱいこれから行きたいです。

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T-ONO: What do you think is the major difference between the U.S. and Japan?
T-ONO: ここでアメリカの文化も触れたということで、皆様にとって日本とアメリカの間で目立つ違いは何だと思いますか?

SHiNNOSUKE: The interaction with people. When we were walking around the city, there were these guys who were singing so we started to clap our hands with them and they were like "Yeah!" and it felt like we could be buddies. That's the major difference for me.
SHiNNOSUKE: この、人のノリ?というか、町を歩いてて、なんかすげー歌っている人たちがいて俺らがちょっと手をたたいたら、「イエー」みたいなもすぐ友達になれるんじゃないかと言うところが一番違いました。

U: Also, we went to the supermarket and all the sizes were so big. The amount they serve is huge too, and that was surprising to me.
U: 後、あの、スーパーマーケットにいったんですけど、全部がサイズがBIG,大きいし、量も多いんで、なんかやっぱすごいなって思いました

TAKUMi: Like what he said, the size of the food, and the driving lane, the direction the cars go is different from Japan. Also, the size of the city is big too.
TAKUMi: そういうこととか、食べ物のサイズもそうですし、斜線、車はしってる方向も違うんですよ。あと、広い、スケールが大きいです

2Rash: The atmosphere in the U.S. is drier than in Japan and the sunlight is very strong.

T-ONO: Are there any particular artists, either living or otherwise, you love to collaborate with?
T-ONO: 各自に聞きたいことなんですけど、もしだれかとコラボできるとしたら、生死問わず、だれとしたいですか?

TAKUMi: It would be an honor to work with YOSHIKI from X Japan. He is my roots in my taste in music.
TAKUMi: 日本のアーティストなんですけど、X Japanの芳樹さん、僕の音楽のルーツなんですけど、そのYOSHIKIさんとお仕事できたらすごく光栄です。

2Rash: I would probably choose Jon Bon Jovi.
2Rash: Bon Joviですかね、Jon Bon Joviとやりたいです

SHiNNOSUKE: I will choose Zebrahead. There was a song that we wrote ["eggmate of the year"] where we tweaked the name of the song from Zebrahead "Playmate of the Year" and sent it to them. They actually commented on it and since then I wanted to collaborate with them.
SHiNNOSUKE: 僕はZebrahead,一回自分たちが好きで作った曲、Zebraheadの[Playmate of the year] ちょっと捩ったタイトルの曲を作ってZebraheadに送ったら、コメントがもらえたことがあって、本人から、そういうのあったら今度は逆に一緒にやってみたいなあって思いました。

U: I will say Metallica. I love hard rock and metal. I don't think I can play a song like that so I want to experience how it's done.
U: 僕はメタリカ、ハードロックとかメタルとかそういうのがすごく好きなんですね、多分あんな音は僕出せないんで、とりあえず、体験したいなという気持ちがいっぱいあります。

T-ONO: Please tell us the reason you started a band.

2Rash: The reason why I wanted to make a band was during my high school's Annual School Festival. I wanted to be popular in my high school. I already knew how to play the piano so there was no hesitation playing another instrument. There were a bunch of guitar player in my grade, so I decided to play the bass.
2Rash: あの、バンドやったきっかけは高校の文化祭にでて、人気者になろうという最初のあれがあったんですけど、もともとはピアノやっていたんで、楽器やるのは抵抗がなくて、学年にはギタリストばっかでベースを始めたのがきっかけです。

SHiNNOSUKE: My dad was a music teacher, so I was able to play with instruments since I was little. I started with the piano first, but in middle school, my friend introduced me to playing the guitar so I started playing the guitar with him.
SHiNNOSUKE: 俺は、親父が、父親が音楽の先生で、散っちゃいときから触れることが多くて、で最初はピアノはそれで始めて、中学生のときにギターを一緒にやろうっていわれてはじめまして。

TAKUMi: For me, I admired X Japan, especially their guitarist HIDE. I thought it would be cool so I started copying them.
TAKUMi: 僕はXJAPANにあこがれて、もちろんひでさんにあこがれてて、これやったらかっこいいなってコピーから初めて、そういうルーツがあります。

U: My inspiration came from my first live performance at my middle school's school festival. My seniors were the ones playing, and they were getting admired by the girls. Among them, the guy who was playing the drums was the most eye-catching, His performance was cool and I decided to play the drums since then.
U: 僕はあの、中学校の文化祭で始めてライブというものを体験して、先輩だったんですけど、すごいキャーキャー言われてて、そのなかでドラムが一番派手、パフォーマンスがすごく派手で、すごいかっこいいなという一目ぼれからドラムを始めました。

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T-ONO: Could you tell us what you think is the best thing to be in a band, and also if you weren't in a band, what do you think you would be doing?
T-ONO: 各自にバンドの一番良いところをおひとつ、それともしバンドをしていなかったら、何をしていたと思いますか?

U: If I wasn't in a band, I might have been a mechanic because I love cars.
U: もしバンドしていなかったら、車がすきなんですけど、割と、車の整備とかやっていたかもしれません。

2Rash: That's pretty plain-
2Rash: 地味よねー

U: Plain?! You might be right.
U: 地味!?地味かー

2Rash: Well I believe team play is necessary to be in a band. There are stuff that I can't do alone, but with 4 people, it becomes possible so that is one thing I like to be in a band. If I wasn't in a band, I really enjoy cooking so I might have tried becoming a cook. This is pretty plain job too huh?
2Rash: 俺はね、多分バンドやるのは、そのチームプレイ、一人でできないことが4人ではできるというのが、多分楽しいとこなのかあって、もしバンドやってなかったら、料理が好きなんで、料理を作るコックを目指したと思います。まぁ、地味だね?

U: Yeah, same as me!
U: 一緒だ一緒だ!

SHiNNOSUKE: I think it's fun to play music in a band, but more than that, we can meet so many people while being in a band, and that is what I love about it. If I wasn't in a band, I probably would be a salesman selling insurance to people. A long time ago, I got a license to sell them.
SHiNNOSUKE: なんか、そのバンドをやってて、音楽やるのはすごく楽しいけれども、すごく多くの人たちと出会えるから、バンドやってて一番楽しいがそれで、もしバンドやってなかたら、僕は保険売っていると思います、セールスマン、昔は資格をとってた。

TAKUMi: As they all said, I love to play music with everybody and it's fun, when we perform live, we get close to our fans and get a direct response from them and that is what I also like about being in a band. I wonder what I would be doing if I wasn't in a band. I actually have a beautician license so I might have been doing that.
TAKUMi: まぁ、バンド、みんな言っているように一緒にやることが楽しいですし、ライブするのはやっぱお客さんとの距離が近くなるし、レスポンスがあるし、[わー!]みたいな、そういうのも楽しいし。でやってなかったら何しているんだろう。。。僕美容師の免許もっているんですよ、もしかしたらやってたかもしれないです

U: Oh yeah, the thing I like about being in a band, how should I say this. I guess it is the best place to express myself. In everyday life, it is pretty rare to be able to express your true self,
however with music, I feel like I can just spill out everything inside me, and that's what I think is great to be in a band.
U: ああ、バンド、バンドでなんか楽しいこと、バンドの楽しいところはあのー、なんていうんですかね、やっぱこう自分が一番だせる場所というか、その日常ではなかなかそういう感情もないというか、なかなかだせないんですけど、音楽になるとこう、すべての自分をさらけだせるというか、そういうのがすごいすばらしいなという気持ちでバンドやってます。

T-ONO: Now that you have performed live in the U.S., where else would you like to perform?
T-ONO: アメリカでライブをしましたが、ほかにどこでライブしたいですか?

2Rash: I want to do a tour around the U.S.

SHiNNOSUKE: I want to perform in Mexico, where the world heritage is at.
SHiNNOSUKE: 僕はメキシコにいきたいです、世界遺産が。

TAKUMi: Maybe in Los Angeles or the West Coast.

U: I want to perform in San Jose again.
U: もう1度サンノゼでライブをやりたいです。

T-ONO: Could you share with us any projects or new songs you are working on right now?
T-ONO: 言える範囲で今手がけてる新曲、ライブ予定をもしよろしければ教えいただけますか?

SHiNNOSUKE: We already have written a new song and played it at live performances in Japan, so we hope we can record the new song and release it soon.

T-ONO: You have sang the song for the opening of Durarara!!, is there any other anime you want to sing for?
T-ONO: アニメデュラララ!!の主題歌を歌ったわけですが、ほかにも歌いたいアニメの主題化とかありますか?

SHiNNOSUKE: Actually before we debut, we made an opening theme song for Full Metal Alchemist for ourselves.
SHiNNOSUKE: 実はデビュー前に鋼の錬金術師のオープニングテーマを勝手に作ったりして、これは会うんじゃないかと

2Rash: We even made one for Eureka 7.
2Rash: あと、エウレカ作りました。

SHiNNOSUKE: Don't you have something to say?

Guys: K-ON! K-ON!

U: Oh yeah, I guess K-ON!
U: ああ、じゃあ、けいおん!

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T-ONO: And lastly, any special message to your fans?
T-ONO: 最後にカメラに向かって、アメリカのファンに向けてメッセージはございますか?

2Rash: We will definitely be back in the U.S. so please support us! Also, we have a Facebook page, so please check it out! Thanks!!

SHiNNOSUKE: Probably a lot of you have heard our music through anime, but we also have a lot of good songs that hasn't been in anime so please check those songs out too.

TAKUMi: The U.S. is super fun! I will be back.
TAKUMi:アメリカ超楽しいです。I will be back

U: Well, it was our first time performing in the U.S. and have experienced a lot of new things to bring back to Japan, however, I would love to come back so please support us.
U: えー、まぁ、アメリカで初めてライブやって、すごい色んな良いものを僕らは取り入れてまた日本に帰るんですけど、またかならず帰って着たいなと思っているんで是非よろしくお願いします。