Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Pokemon Concierge Roundtable Interview with Voice Actress Non @ Anime Expo 2023

First announced back in March with little details, Pokemon Concierge is an upcoming stop-motion collaboration between Netflix and The Pokemon company produced by dwarf studios. The series will follow the story of Haru, brought to life by the talented Japanese actress and singer Non (Rena Nonen). Behind closed doors, hear what Non shared about the highly anticipated Pokemon Concierge at Anime Expo 2023.

Please note, some questions or responses may have been paraphrased for clarity as some of their meaning may have been lost in translation.

How will Haru and Psyduck's journey differ from the original anime?

Non: While the original series was either in a 2D or 3D format, this new series will be made using stop-motion employing physical figures. It will be very different. We were able to put a greater depth of emotions into the characters themselves. I felt there was a unique kind of cuteness that surpasses what a  2D version could accomplish.

What can you tell us about your character?

Non: Haru is a very hard worker who becomes overwhelmed with the demands of her job. Suddenly, she decides to work at a Pokemon resort, where she will work with and have Pokemon as her customers. Naturally, she will encounter setbacks, but the Pokemon will help her overcome these challenges. She will grow and develop with the Pokemon around her.

How does Haru evolve in the series?

Non: She always put great effort into her work, but as she starts to work with the Pokemon, she learns how to enjoy her job and develops a genuine fondness for those she works alongside. She always had a mindset that failure was unacceptable, but gradually she learns that she can always try her best even if she is not good at what she is doing. She learns to embrace her imperfections.

Why was Psyduck the perfect companion?

Non: Psyduck has an expression where you can not see its true feelings whereas Haru always shows her emotions through her expressions. She learns that not everything has to be visible which leads to a gentle transformation of her heart.

What attracted you to the role?

Non: Haru was always in a rush, often making reckless mistakes, but always had her mind set on being perfect. When Pokemon are by her side, she began to reexamine her actions. I thought this was very cute.

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What do you think is the biggest charm of the series?

Non: The Pokemon are super cute. I really wish there was such a place as a Pokemon resort. Looking at Haru’s actions, I wish I can really go there one day. Just imagining these things made my heart fill with joy.

What was your favorite part of being in the stop-motion process?

Non: When I first started, there were no visuals yet so they just recorded my voice. But during this time, they were also filming my facial expressions and added Haru’s face to match mine. My reactions and body language were also used in the film. I think this aspect stands out as a unique feature of this series, as it incorporates my genuine expressions.

Will Psyduck be Haru’s only companion, or will other Pokemon team up with her?

Non: Psyduck is the leading companion, but there will be more Pokemon involved in this series.

How do you hope the audience will react to the series?

I hope this series has the power to mend hearts, give people energy, and help them move forward.

Can you talk about something that impressed you while voicing the stop motion?

Non: There are numerous scenes where Haru contemplates her actions and ideas. The thinking facial expressions were very detailed. It is very different than CG, like the shadows that are made creating a unique aesthetic. This also enhances the cuteness of the Pokemon.

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Did you realize anything while working on this series?

Non: I like Pokemon, and this is my first time working with Pokemon. There were a lot of Pokemon dolls where I was recording. So working on a project with a lot of my favorite Pokemon made me really happy.

Was it hard to keep a secret?

Non: It made me really happy. I only told my family and friends because I couldn’t tell anybody else.

How does voicing for a stop motion differ from your previous roles?

Non: I was only able to see the Pokemon artwork [while recording] compared to being able to see the full show, so I had to act on my own and I practiced a lot from home.

Any memories with Pokémon and who is your favorite Pokémon?

Non: That’s a difficult question! I like Mewtwo a lot because I played the 1st generation game. But after this series, I like Psyduck because I got to see his cute moves and I noticed how cute he was.

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You can watch Haru and Psyduck in Pokemon Concierge coming this December only on Netflix.