Saturday, March 29, 2025

Been extremely busy the last couple of weeks preparing the site for another migration mostly due to a security issue. Spent the last 5 hours moving, but anyways today is the day of NIS America's Winter Prinny Press Event! Chief Photographer Troy Leong and myself have been invited to this event, and we'll keep you updated on what's new. (You can now read our report here)

As the event is titled, it will be mostly to promote the PSP game Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? As a guess, the Prinny game and Ar tonelico II for the Playstation 2 most likely will be playable at this event. They will probably also discuss about the downloadable content for the American version of Disgaea 3. We will also present to NIS America all the questions and concerns many of your voiced in regards to the localization of Ar tonelico II.

If you still have any questions for NIS America, please feel free to post them here. I will be checking this post occasionally at the event on my phone for any new questions.