Sunday, February 23, 2025

Former NIS America Employees Announce New Content Distributor, acttil

Founded by former NIS America employees, Jack Niida, Hiroko Kanazashi and Nao Miyazawa, acttil is a brand-new independent video game and digital contents publisher based out in Los Angeles whose core values are acceptance, creativity, teamwork, trust, innovation and love. Although the company's product line will include eBooks for PC, consoles, web and mobile platforms they also have plans to aid independent developers with publishing and providing marketing support; including localization, PR/marketing, production and digital publishing.

"We are optimistic with the current digital content environment. It is quite promising for independent developers and we would love to work closely with them and help achieve their goals", says former NIS producer Jack Niida.

Although no projects have been announced at this time, the company has promised to take on anything that they find "interesting and awesome."

More information about acttil can be found at: