Friday, March 28, 2025
ShindoL To Appear as Guest of Honor for Anime Expo


ShindoL has just been officially announced for an appearance at Anime Expo 2022.  Love him or hate him, he is a quality artist. His stories might be a little out there (to put things lightly), but damn, the man can draw. And, if you don't know him at all, that's probably for the better.  You should probably keep it that way.

shindoL headshot

ShindoL actually spent a chunk of his life in America (born in New York) before moving to Japan. Whether or not this colored the stories he's created is anyone's guess, and maybe we'll be able to find out more about him. He also posts work under the doujinshi circle Da Hootch which is more of his catch-all for fan works of other franchises and for his festival appearances.

His work Metamorphosis has gained an infamous (daresay almost legendary) status amongst the anime community. Just the sight of a certain butterfly itself will get a nod of acknowledgement, and a momentary tinge of sadness as they remember. Pour one out for your homies, even. For those unintiated, consider Metamorphosis a warning as to what can happen when you get in with the wrong crowd and get into drugs. I've sadly seen bad endings as part of my real life work where exactly this has happened. No one wants a missing persons case to turn into this. With drugs as prevalent and easy to get in San Francisco, drugs have hit the city hard.

There's actually a fan-made alternate ending where Josuke from Jojo uses Crazy Diamond to bring the main character, Saki, back from the brink. In my head, that's canon. Screw whatever anyone else says.

shindo stand

ShindoL's stories are probably not something for the fainthearted. If you're going to read them, you'd better have a heart of stone, because you're going to need it. He does have a few works that are more on the light-hearted side of things but most of his works put a light on the darker side of life, and of humanity.

He'll have a panel on Saturday, July 3, at 930 PM, in the JW Marriott's Platinum Ballroom. Naturally, it'll be 18+, given the content of his works. He'll be sharing stories, answering questions, and giving you a deep dive into the industry that normally we do not get over here in America.

Anime Expo 2022 takes place on July 1-4 in Los Angeles, CA.  Tickets are available here.