Friday, March 28, 2025
Studio TRIGGER @ Anime Expo 2019

 First lets give it up to TRIGGER who not only had fans cheering after the PROMARE movie but even the earth had something to say about the movie. Yes, there was an earthquake during the panel but we will get to that in a bit.

After the movie ended and the next panel began with the TRIGGER staff (Hiromi Wakabayashi, Shigeto Koyama and Hiroyuki Imashi) taking the stage but they came in with money guns shooting the crowd with TRIGGER dollars that fans ran to grab as if it was real money.
At the end they said that a few of the bills were winning tickets for a special prize that they would pick up later. Once the special guest took the stage there was an earthquake, but I got to say Anime Fans are hardcore cause when they asked if fans wanted them to stop; I take it to evacuate the room.

Trigger Dollar

The fans reaction was a unanimous “No”. So, the panel keep going, along with a small joke from the TRIGGER staff saying they felt that it was one of the characters final move coming out of the screen into the real world, but I think it was earth cheering for the movie. During the panel they answered some questions while having fun on stage making jokes about Imashi’s characters always having spikey hair and that ‘Galo Thymos’ the main hero from PROMARE is the pinnacle of spikey hair, and they wonder what will Imashi’s next character look like.

Promare Spikey Hair B

They shared a hilarious story that the staff always jokes about with Imashi previous works, they all have scenes of characters punching the earth over and over. This leads them to always ask Imashi why he hates the earth, which the whole room burst out laughing. Imashi said he was not aware of this and said it must be a repressed memory or something.

But they touched upon that each of their previous series have had a symbol/theme to them for example Gurren Lagann had the drill, Kill la Kill had clothes, and for PROMARE they decided to go with two ice and fire. This was not an easy choice because it meant they would need to reimagine how fire and ice was portrayed in anime and they wanted to make it stand out. From the fans reactions they think they accomplished this goal and are happy. They shared that they even went to Yonkers, New York to visit the NYFD for inspiration.

Kill la Kill AX19

They share pictures of them handling the equipment and Imashi carrying a hose while wearing a firefighter helmet. They said that they took what they saw and if you pay attention, they put them in the film. They told fans if they wanted to watch PROMARE again, that premiere tickets are on sale now for Sept 17th & 19th. It will be in selected theaters Sept 20th, naturally they talked about the dubbed version knowing that most fans are not fond of dubbed. Since TRIGGER is working with GKIDS to release PROMARE in the US, they asked fans if they would like them to oversee the dubbing of PROMARE so that sub fans would be on board. The reaction was a positive one from fans. So all we have to do is wait and see how this turns out.

Next they shared information on their latest works they have been working or are still working on. First they wanted to show the OP to Shantae 5, a game on which they worked on, and it does have the TRIGGER signature. So they told fans to look for the game when it comes out and support them even more.

They wanted to reveal a new project, Brand New Animal, but since this was already leaked they had to show something additional to this announcement. They showed never before seen character design and talked about some of the characters traits along with their names. The main character’s name is Michiru, who is energetic and sporty compared to Akko the main protagonist from Little Witch Academia. They did not say much about the 2nd character who they just refer to as the mystery character but they did say he resembles a wolf.

BNA Poster

They did announce that the director will be Yoh Yoshinari (Little Witch Academia) and the script writer will be Kazuki Nakashima (Gurren Lagann, Kill la Kill, and PROMARE). They want fans to watch it when this is scheduled for release 2020, so fans stay tune for this anime.

Images: ©TRIGGER???????XFLAG
