Saturday, February 22, 2025
Chances are, if you're hardcore into anime, you know where to browse for deals. However, since not all anime fans are as fanatical as the rest of us, it's worth mentioning how to obtain some decent quality shows on the cheap. I'm not talking about browsing through eBay for someone's old collection or finding that "good-enough" bootleg, but directly supporting licensors by hitting them up for sweet deals. First and foremost, it's worth checking out legal streaming anime online. Some of the industry heavy hitters like Funimation and Viz stream a lot of their shows, so you might want to browse that selection first before you're ready to buy. Also, there are websites devoted to streaming from all licensors like Crunchyroll, and even Hulu has a solid collection of titles. The discussion about whether or not streaming anime is economically viable is ongoing, but at the very least you're dropping some coin into your favorite animator's pockets just by sitting through some commercials.

You can begin your streaming anime journey at any of these sites:

The Anime Network

Anime News Network



Viz Anime

4Kids TV

Secondly, Funimation's S.A.V.E. (Super Amazing Value Edition) website offers a decent set of titles for under $30. Let me say that again. Entire boxed sets for under 30 dollars. You can grab the likes of Solty Rei, Pumpkin Scissors, and Hellgirl for about $15 on Amazon. Yes, from the legitimate sellers.

Lastly, check out some of the big online distributors. Big name stores like Borders and Suncoast that include anime in their already expansive repertoire have corporate set prices, so there selection is usually at the maxed out retail value. However, if you do some digging, or ask the friendly staff here at, you can find websites that offer lower prices and are working directly with the licensors.

Here are a few links to get you started:

Right Stuf



Now go forth, my fellow anime fans! Support those animators the only way broke people can!