Saturday, March 22, 2025
HIDIVE Anime Expo 2023 Screenings - The Eminence in Shadow, Most Heretical Last Boss Queen, Dark Gathering, and more

The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen:

HIDIVE is one of the many streaming options for anime fans in English and they'll be present at the biggest anime convention on the west coast, Anime Expo.

HIDIVE counts among their franachises Oshi no Ko, The Eminence in Shadow, The Dangers in My Heart, Is It Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Call of the Night, and many others. Sadly, Oshi no Ko has not yet received an English greenlight, much to my chagrin. It's currently going wild in Japan with exhibitions, collaboration cafes, and bevy of tie-ins. The Ikebukuro exhibit was booked solid for its entire run when I went a few weeks ago.

This year, HIDIVE will be premiering a number of new shows and new seasons. They'll also have a booth in the exhibit hall where they'll be giving out goodies and free subscriptions.

July 1
The Eminence in Shadow 2nd Season (world premiere, subbed)
1215PM-115PM Main Events (Hall B)

Season two of The Eminence in Shadow kicks off at Anime Expo.  In short, it's about a guy who loves being a hidden boss/antihero kind of character and who trains himself to the point where he can tank a nuclear explosion (amongst other things), all the while playing off the fact that he is indeed that strong.  He gets isekai'd and... stuff happens.  There will be a Q&A with Seiichiro Yamashita (voice of Cid/Shadow).  HIDIVE is also giving out a sample copy of the English version of The Eminence in Shadow manga courtesy of Yen Press.  I don't know if that means it's a cut down version of volume 1 or the whole thing, but hey, free is free.  



Helck (North American premiere)
130PM-230OPM JW Marriott Platinum Ballroom

Helck is about the titular character, Helck, who enters a tournament to decide the next demon lord.  Here's the thing: Helck is human.  Not quite the usual suspect for the next candidate to be demon lord.



HIDIVE Industry Panel/Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero
530PM-630PM Room 403

The panel where they'll be talking shop and anything that might not deserve its own panel. Expect updates and announcements on new licenses and whatnot.  They'll also be screening the premiere of Level One Demon and One Room Hero.



July 2
The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: from Villainess to Savior (North American premiere)
12PM-1PM Room 403

The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen is a time-reversal anime about the, well, last boss queen who warps back to her childhood and reflects upon her transgressions towards the people around her that lead to her downfall in a previous life.  She's repentant, and, through her efforts to avoid the wrongs she committed in that previous life,  changes her future, and the future of her kingdom.  I really like this one.  Been a fan for a long while (but I'm also a sucker for this kind of series, of which there are many).  I think it's that self-sacrifice part.  She constantly tells those around her, "Please, when I become a villainess, kill me," and that really resonates with me.



July 3
Dark Gathering (North American premiere)
830PM-930PM Room 403

Dark Gathering is a supernatural anime that incorporates many a Japanese ghost story.  The lead characters fight fire with fire as they utilize evil ghosts to fight other ghosts, and even a dark god or two.  A lot of the featured ghosts are "real" in that they are based on actual ghost stories from Japan!  You can even Google them to find out more.  Another one I've paid attention to for a long time.  



July 4
The Eminence in Shadow 2nd Season (world premiere, dubbed)
11AM-12PM Petree Hall

As above, but in English, this time.  Adam Gibbs (voice of Cid/Shadow) and Christina Kelly (voice of Alpha) will be available for questions and answers!