Friday, March 28, 2025
BIGWEST Macross Panel at Anime Expo 2022

Macross is a franchise that has been around for, as of 2022, 40 years. This all started back in 1982 with Super Dimension Fortress Macross.  While I wasn't able to see it until many years later, it's not an exaggeration to say that Macross is what brought me into anime. Giant robots, epic battle scenes, swarms of missiles; Macross was quite thrilling for young me. Macross is also the thing that first brought me to Anime Expo back in 2010. I was a big fan of Macross Frontier and the announcement that May'n and Megumi Nakajima would be in Los Angeles was what pushed me to go. A big part of Macross has always been the music, and having these two artists perform their craft in America is something I didn't know if I'd ever be able to see again.

Previously, the right to Macross' distribution had been in conflict for many years. Tatsunoko Productions, one of the groups who worked on Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, granted the rights to Harmony Gold USA for overseas usage. BIGWEST, as joint owner of Macross, and who have funded the numerous Macross series that came afterwards, disputed the fact that Tatsunoko was able to make such a unilateral agreement. Legal warfare went on for many decades. In April 2021, BIGWEST was finally able to hash out an agreement with Harmony Gold USA so that Big West would be able to distribute all Macross properties created after 1987 (read: anything not used in Robotech), without contest. Big West announced that they would be bringing Macross to the world.

One year later and Big West is making good on their promise. Macross Plus: Movie Edition, and the two Macross Frontier movies were screened in theaters across the US (the second of the Macross Frontier movies, Sayonara no Tsubasa, just played in theaters this past Thursday).

All of that is what sets the stage for the first-ever BIGWEST Macross panel.

The panel began with quick introductions and a refresher of the various Macross properties. 40 years means a lot of series, with the latest being Macross Delta. Much like how the Macross Frontier movies made their way to American theaters, Macross Delta's two movies seem like they'll be following the same path. A preview of subtitled footage of one of the dogfights from the 2021 release of Macross Delta's second movie, "Absolute Live!!!!!!" was on display. They segued from that clip right into product announcements, starting with the YF-29 Durandal Valkyrie piloted by Maximilian Jenius in said dogfight. Fans of the series will remember Max as one of the stalwart heroes of the anime. Figures of the trademark Valkyrie fighters have never been in short supply, and Bandai Tamashii Nations will be on hand to support BIGWEST's expansion efforts. There will also be Valkyries from Macross Frontier and Macross Zero released soon.

Bandai was actually on-hand with some of the figures in person.  Like any good Valkyrie figure, they transfer, and a live demonstration by one of their staff showed that you can change from fighter to robot in just a few minutes.  One of the panelists did (accurately) quip that a lot of fans would not utilize the transformation feature, if only because they might not take it out of the box.  

One of the more noteworthy announcements is the English Blu-Ray release of Macross Frontier and Macross Delta by Nozomi Entertainment and RightStuf. For years, fans have had to find alternate methods of viewing Macross in English. If you think about it, hosting May'n and Megumi Nakajima at Anime Expo all those years ago was a little weird, given how there was no official overseas release.



Likewise, will be releasing Macross Plus on Blu-Ray.  I do remember Plus being on VHS in English, so it's also long overdue for a modern release.


Edit: Macross 7 was announced for a release in English on Blu-Ray during a later panel.


Udon Entertainment also announced the first overseas Macross publication of the art book "Artistry of Macross," by Hidetaka Tenjin. The book's official release will be in October 2022. For those of you going to San Diego Comic-Con in three weeks, you'll actually be able to pick up the book early, and can get it autographed by Tenjin himself. Tenjin has been a big part of Macross ever since 2002's Macross Zero. The book contains art from The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Flash Back 2012 through Macross Frontier.


BIGWEST quickly summarized some of their other international efforts, including the airing of Macross Frontier in Korea and in September, the screening of the Macross Frontier movies in Taiwan.  

The future of Macross overseas is brighter than ever.  Compared to years past, we're getting a deluge of releases both physical and digital.  BIGWEST has managed to accomplish quite a lot during in just one year's time.  International fans have a lot to look forward to, and the possibility of simultaneous releases is not to be ruled out.  It might take a while, but then again, just a few years ago we were stuck on a time-delayed release for anime.  Funimation and Crunchyroll are now able to release anime in English just as soon as they are shown in Japan.