Monday, March 10, 2025
Noizi Ito (いとうのいぢ) Interview
One of Japan's most popular novel and gaming artists, Noizi Ito made her first official American appearance on April 2, 2010 at Sakura-Con in Seattle, Washington. Ito-sensei is probably best known for her work as the original character designer for Shakugan no Shana and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya light novels. Both series grew immensely popular spawning anime and manga adaptations. We were able to sit down with Ito-sensei to discuss a little about herself as well as her past and future work.

T-ONO: First, what do you think of America?


Ito: This is not the first time I have visited America, but the first time I came to America was Guam, and so this is my first time coming here, to Seattle.

I think what really caught me (about Seattle) is the hills. Also, being able to come here and see all these fans who showed me such enthusiastic support made me feel very happy.


で、とても坂が印象的な町だなというのがひとつと、そしてアメリカのファンの方々と触れ合ってすごく熱い気持ちをぶつけてくれるので、すごく嬉しい なと思いました。


T-ONO: What was your reaction to American fans?


Ito: I first felt surprised that the culture of Japan, whether it be my art or not, had such great popularity overseas. It felt odd that things made for Japanese people could be so popular outside of Japan, but I was happy as I felt any apprehension melt away as I saw the warm welcome I received when I arrived here.

日本の文化、私の絵であろうと、大変興味を持っていることを最初はとてもびっくりしました。海外には海外の文化があると思ったので日本の文化を受け 入れてくれることにすごく違和感を感じていたんですけれども、皆さんのその応援する気持ちを聞いてとても心に届きました。

T-ONO: When did you start drawing?


Ito: I started drawing, well I started creating characters when I was around when I graduated middle school.



T-ONO: What are your inspirations?


Ito: My inspirations... To tell you the truth, I am inspired by anything I happen to come by. For example, the scenery I saw when I was out for a walk, a person I met, or a movie I saw. I'm inspired by a lot of things that are around me.

ええ、インスピレーションは本当に何から受けると言うと、本当に何からも。例えば散歩をしていて歩いている景色とか、あった人であるとか、見た映画 であるとか、さまざまな所からインスピレーションを受けています。


T-ONO: This is about your character designs, but what is the ideal beauty in your female characters?


Ito: Well, I try to make the hair a key aspect to making something look pretty, but what's most pretty for a woman in character design, is the shapely body line the female form has.



T-ONO: Younger females are the ideal body type?

いとうさんの描くキャラクターの年齢は少し低いようなキャラクターが多いようですが、それはいとうさんがその体のラインが一番美しいと思 われていることですか?

Ito: It's not the most ideal body form, I do like adult body types as well, but I personally like that midpoint: where bodies resemble shonen bodies but at the same time on the cusp of becoming a full fledged woman. That form is what I like the most, and that is why I draw them the most often.

一番美しいと思っているわけではないんですけど、大人の女性の体のラインも好きですけど、私個人としては、少年のような、でも女性のような、その中 間、ちょうど女性になりかけのちょうどそのころの体が大好きなので、自分で描く絵もそういうものです。


T-ONO: So that's why your characters all look so young?


Ito: Yes, that's right.



T-ONO: What do you feel about drawing adult illustrations?


Ito: When I work on adult games, I treat it as just another job. It's just another part of the occupation. But, when I'm drawing those kinds of scenes, I do feel self-conscious and so I don't like to be seen drawing those kinds of things by other people when I am.

私が18禁のゲームの仕事をしていることに対しては、ひとつの仕事としてやっているので、仕事の作業としてやってます。でも、やっぱりそういうシー ンを描いている時などは人に見られるのは少し恥ずかしいです。


T-ONO: How did you come up with your mascot character?


Ito: That was just a doodle (laughs)



T-ONO: Was there a story behind it? Like, did you draw it when you were really tired or something?


Ito: That's basically right, I drew it when I was tired. I drew a little caterpillar like thing on the corner of my notebook. That initial doodle gradually got simplified and it's now what you see.

それは正にに疲れたときに、ノートの端にはしらせた絵が芋虫のような、なんか触覚のある動物のようなキャラクターだったんですけど、それが簡略され て今の形になりました。


T-ONO: You've drawn a lot of character designs up till now, What character do you feel the most proud of?


Ito: All of my characters have left a lasting impression on me, but I suppose the biggest characters I've drawn are Haruhi and Shana. I think they gave me the most in terms of experience in my work as an artist.

誇りに思う、そうですね、どれも私に影響を与えたキャラクターなんですけど、やっぱりハルヒであるとかシャナです。それが私の中で一番成長させてく れた作品のキャラクターであると思っています


T-ONO: So you mean they gave you more professional skills?


Ito: Yes, lots of experience, I got to do so many things working with them. I learned a lot from that experience.



T-ONO: How was it working with Shoko-tan?


Ito: I was very happy that I got to work with a favorite artist of mine.



T-ONO: Did she have any specifications over what you were going to draw?


Ito: Originally I was asked to characterize Ms. Nakagawa, but she asked me to draw an original character instead of her, so I designed a new character.

最初は中川さんをキャラクター化することだったんですけれども、中川さんの方から、「私じゃなくて、ひとつのオリジナルのキャラクターとして作って ほしい」という風にいわれたので、そうしました。


T-ONO: You've drawn several very successful characters, but is there any future endeavor planned for now?

シャナとかハルヒなど人気なキャラクターを生み出されたんですが、これから先のアーティストのキャリアに関して何かプランなどあります か?

Ito: Up until now, most of my work has been drawing high school characters, but I also wish to start drawing fantasy pictures, and otherworldly pictures as well.

目標ですね、そうですね。今までは高校生、学生のキャラクターを描く機会が多かったんですけれども、もっとファンタジーであることとか、違う世界観 のキャラクターを描いていきたいと思います。


T-ONO: Is there something that you want to do in particular?


Ito: I really have nothing set in stone, but I do want to get into fantasy. I have no formal skill in drawing in a fantasy setting, so I'm currently researching and studying various things related to it.

うーん、そうですね、具体的には無いんですけど。でも、今は自分の中ではファンタジーのスキルが無いので、いろんなものを研究して、今勉強している ところです。


T-ONO: Are you working on anything new at all?


Ito: There is but…



T-ONO: But you can't say anything?


Ito: Well yes. (laughs)



T-ONO: Are there any hints you can give at all? Is it a game?


Ito: I guess you could say it's a kind of a game. (laughs)



T-ONO: Do you have any message for your other American fans who couldn't come to Sakura-Con?


Ito: Well, it's too bad we couldn't meet personally this time, but if I am ever invited to anything like this again, I would be happy to come. So if that happens, I would love to meet you then.

今回お会いできなかくて残念でしたけれども、もしまたこうやって機会をいただけることがあれば、ぜひ私もまた来たいと思っていますので、そのときに お会いできたら嬉しく思います。

You can also check out the sketches Ito-sensei did for the charity auction at Sakura-Con 2010 over here.


Interviewers: Theodore Mak and Benjamin Chu
Interpretor: Hitomi Ross
Transcriber and Translator: Tomoaki Hirai


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